I MADE TIPPI HEDREN LAUGH! I’m really hyped about seeing ROAR (1981) for the first time this Friday at Fantasia. THE BIRDS (1963) star Hedren apparently gets mauled by lions in it instead of birds for a change, except it’s REAL because it takes place on a nature reserve & the experience led her to become an animal rights activist! Maybe that’s how I made her laugh. I met her at a horror movie convention a decade ago & showed her the Motion Picture Purgatory I did that featured her replaying her role in The Birds but instead of crows grouping together getting ready to create mischief I drew primates! I was supposed to be reviewing Tim Burton’s remake of Planet of the Apes (2001) but it looked so stupid I refused to go & just made up this fake review instead! She laughed while autographing the photocopy seen here & looked strikingly gorgeous even in her mid-seventies! It reads; “To Rick, Very funny!” The heading for this Motion Picture Purgatory which originally appeared in a 2001 issue of The Montreal Mirror was “Ook!” As always; the original art’s for sale @ 100 bucks (but NOT this autographed photocopy!). More deets below or contact me for more info. (To see image full-sized, click on it to open in a new window & use the magnify function).
BTW, I’ll be selling FAB Press books as well as my own for the duration of Montreal’s Fantasia International Film Festival the next couple of weeks (@ the Concordia Hall Theatre, 1455 de Maisonneuve west). Having sold out of Motion Picture Purgatory Volume 2 years ago I decided to have the remaining few boxes shipped from the UK. Pass by to complete your collection & say hi!
Original art for sale for $100.00 CAD. Includes three items total: The pencil art preliminaries, the original finished B&W inks (signed & dated by author/artist Rick Trembles in pencil on the back), & a color newsprint tear-sheet (or B&W gray tones, depending on when it came out) from where it was originally published. Postage & framing not included. Motion Picture Purgatory Volumes One & Two available at FAB Press. For original art info, contact Rick Trembles @ ricktrembles (at) hotmail (dot) com.