RIP Kim Fowley. Original header for the 2010 Montreal Mirror publication of this comic strip movie (p)review: “Think with your cock!” –Kim Fowley. (To see image full-sized, click on it to open in a new window & use the magnify function).
Original art for sale for $100.00 CAD. Includes three items total: The pencil art preliminaries, the original finished B&W inks (signed & dated by author/artist Rick Trembles in pencil on the back), & a color newsprint tear-sheet (or B&W gray tones, depending on when it came out) from where it was originally published. Postage & framing not included. Motion Picture Purgatory Volumes One & Two available at FAB Press. For original art info, contact Rick Trembles @ ricktrembles (at) hotmail (dot) com.